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Get to know Madeira’s history

By 15 Fevereiro, 20172.909 Comments

The regional administration of museums has organized a series of showings of key elements of Madeira’s heritage. Some of these have already taken place, but there are showings programmed until the end of the year.

The project has as aim the promotion of artistic heritage in the archipelago, this year with more events, building on the success of last year’s initiative.

Since January a number of specialists have been invited to give a more “in depth” insight into Madeira’s cast cultural diversity – the programme is entitled “Dar a Ver”.

Until November, the programme will be based on guided tours and conferences to take place in various venues, all with free access. The next two are to take place on March 3rd and 4th, both in Casa Museu Frederico de Freitas. The first starting at 18h00, by Victor dos Reis on the baroque screen, the next, starting at 15h00, by Vitor Serrão, on Portuguese Mannerist painting.

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