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Do you know how to bake “bolo do caco”?

By 5 Outubro, 2016Outubro 10th, 20163.577 Comments


On the 21st of October you’ll be able to taste Madeira “bolo de caco” and home-made bread in a different way. The project promoted by ACIF-CCIM (Funchal industrial and commercial association) and AIPCRAM (association of industrial bakeries and pastry makers) aims at promoting, prizing and caring for Madeira’s regional bread, taking into consideration its traditional recipe.

To take part in the event, keep an eye on the calendar. The deadline for enrolling is October 16th. An online application has to be filed until October 15th.

If you think you can bake “bolo do caco” or Madeiran home-made bread, read the available documents. On this page you can find the event’s rules and the two delicacies specs.

The idea of ACIF-CCIM is to promote an event that may become very important for the bread-baking sector, but also for Madeiran culture, through the organization of events that keep our history alive.

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